Hmpf, like it's happaning just before every festival, a band has to cancel. This is ours: NIGHT FEVER have to pass because of their drummers broken hand. Get well soon to Copenhagen.
We are at least as happy and glad about BREAKOUT from Paris. They will play for them. Don't miss them - they are powerful!

This year we take the word for "If the kids are united". This year we take the word for "If the kids are united". This year we take the word for "If the kids are united". This year we take the word for "If the kids are united".

Line Up looks good
The line up for our 2017 party is nearly complete. Here are three more fantastic punk rock acts from all around the world.
THE REVOLVERS These sweathearts would like to play the BTF. First show after the break 2005 of the former 77 figurehead of PEOPLE LIKE YOU records. They told us something about „We will be doing a reunion with all original band members, because BTF is our top festival. Glaubitz has the best audience!“ blablabla...
We say „Let's do it“ CLOWNS (AUS) What an amazing act from down under. One of the live surprises in 2016. They rock the GROEZROCK, ENDLESS SUMMER too. 2017 at the Back To Future – but notice playtime for Melbourne finest is thursday!
Don't miss it. LA FLINGUE (FRA) These garage punk master piece form marseille with musicians from Hatepinks, Gasolheads, Neurotic Swingers, Irritones, Aggravation, Les Jolies (just to name a few ;-)), will hit the stage of BTF. They used old connections because NEW BOMB TURKS will playing too. They ask Holm, which was booking a couple of tours for some of these fabulous massilia punk rock swells, to get a slot. It looks like a huge family reunion in july 2017.
The next time we will publish some informations about something which looks interesting for a bigger part each year. Punk is Dad. At the moment we check some possibilities, because we got a lot of questions if's possible to find a special area for parents and kids. More soon. Best regards, your BTF- Crew

Boozin' good bye to SUPERNICHTS
We are proud to announce that SUPERNICHTS will be part of the BTF. We are very happy on one side, but deeply sad on the other because the Beach Boys of Deutschpunk will bury the band. The last will and testament of the band say „End the band at the Glaubitz open air!“ and we ain't no killjoy. We had a great time together. A lot of shows and so many beers. It would be a bad day. There's only one medicine against these pain – cheers.

Heavy update for the Line Up
The last days we use to book couple of really nice bands. Some more hot arguments to order one of the early bird tickets. Please note, this pre sale campaign endes december 31st. At this place an important hint for our warm up day, thursday july 13th. We start with a bang – don't miss it.
Line Up - Update:
- THE BABOON SHOW (SWE) – this burner from sweden is a must have in 2017!
- RAWSIDE - Reunion of these coburg hardcore punk band. One of three festival reunion shows will take place at glaubitz!
- LIONS LAW (F) – last time they were an insider tipp. Now these guys from paris are part of the oi!/ streetpunk champions league. Chapeau.
- NEW BOMB TURKS (USA) – These mind blowing quartet from columbus/ ohio is one of the best live bands in the punk rock universe. Believe it Eric Davidson is something like a hurrican.
- DIE SKEPTIKER – the first record „Harte Zeiten“ was something like a gateway drug for us. It startet before 1989 for the really old ones. Of course this is enough to say hello to Eugen Balanskat and his boys!
- CRUDE S.S. (SWE) – scandinavian hc punk heroes. With all these 80's smasher like "Nazi Go Home" or "Destroy Capitalism"
- THE FLESHTONES (USA) – we will gave the word to Fisch, frontman of Die Lokalmatadore. He send us a message, after we told him to booking the new york garage rock legend which started in 1976. „These is the extremly awesome live act of the universe!!!!! You are fantastic! !“ Think he is right.
- BREW 36 – with band members from the Offenders and the Real McKenzies. And what you think they stay for? Yes, meldoic streetpunk. Feel free to check out the first record „Our Brew“
- ES WAR MORD – it is something like a newcomer. But not at all. It's an allstar project by members of Vorkriegsjugend, Zerstörte Jugend, Jingo de Lunch, Skeptiker, Situations or Kumpelbasis. We are sure, this is Deutschpunk you like.
Thanks for the fun we have had and the support you gave us last year. Happy new year, stay well and rebellious. See you in 2017. Your BTF Team.

Early-Bird-Ticketaction 'til the end of the year
Der Early Bird- Ticketverkauf für das GLAUBITZ OPEN AIR/BACK TO FUTURE 2017 startet heute und endet am 31.12.2016. Das »TICKETBESTELLFORMULAR ist eingerichtet, die ersten Bands stehen und freuen sich auch schon den Arsch ab… Wir sind aber weiter am Werkeln. Wenn alles so läuft wie wir uns das vorstellen, wird es das beste BTF- Line Up ever! Alle mal fest die Daumen drücken! Wir halten Euch auf dem Laufenden! Wir starten in den Vorverkauf mit:
THE ADICTS (UK/US) – die einzige Sommerfestival-Show
OXO 86
P.I.Y - PUNKROCK KARAOKE, wie gewohnt im Waldbad
Sooo, jetzt müssen wir aber etwas ansprechen, das uns nicht allzu leichtfällt. Für das Festival 2017 müssen wir in den sauren Apfel beißen und die Ticket- Preise nach oben korrigieren. Es ist euch sicherlich nicht entgangen, dass wir in den letzten Jahren viel investiert haben, um unser Baby noch attraktiver zu machen. Die alljährlich gestiegenen Kosten für die Festivallogistik und Line Up sind mittlerweile an den Punkt gelangt, an dem wir sagen müssen, es geht ohne eine Erhöhung der Ticketpreise einfach nicht weiter. Das Early Bird- Ticket startet somit für 49,00 €, bleibt aber weiterhin inklusive Zeltplatz-, Müll- und Parkgebühren! Es ist uns ein Bedürfnis, die bisherigen Standards beizubehalten und immer wieder neu anzupassen. Das sind wir dem bestem Festivalpublikum einfach schuldig. DANKE FÜR EUER VERSTÄNDNIS!
Mit dem neuen "Verein für Kunst und Kultur im ländlichen Raum - Glaubitz e.V." gehen wir gemeinsam die neuen Aufgaben an! Eure BTF-Crew

Thank you very much!
The battle is over! More precisely, this year's edition of Back To Future has come to an end and we can move on to new goals.
But we won't do this without thanking you first for the smooth process this year! We can't say it often enough - the festival lives from and with you - from the helpers, from all the supporters from near and far. It is only because of you that this much-praised, family atmosphere comes about and that is exactly why we pull ourselves together year after year and start planning.
We only received positive feedback and overwhelming messages of thanks from our visitors. This shows that we did everything right. Representing all of this year's bands, KASSIERER-Wölfi was featured in the »MDR REPORT with "The BTF is one of the most beautiful festivals I know in Germany." the right words. Organizing a festival without a single point of criticism or notable incident makes us very proud. As our motto for 2017, we are writing Fisch's literal statement in large letters: "Glaubitz is like coming home!" - that is solely your merit!
The festival photos from DRACHENKIND and SCHEINWELTEN PHOTOGRAPHY will be coming in the next few days.

We are hard at work setting it up and would like to give you a few tips and rules of the game.
- The pre-sale is complete, from now on you can only purchase your tickets at the box office. Don't worry, all visitors come to the site. You can find the AK prices under »TICKETS
- You can find the RUNNING ORDER to print out »HERE
- Please note the traffic diversion due to the construction work on the B98 - you can find a map under »DIRECTIONS. We have also signposted the diversion.
- Parking and camping in the adjacent gardens on Sageritzer Straße is prohibited, we have set up day parking spaces
- This year the admission ticket office will be at the campsite, you will not be able to enter the campsite without a ticket
- Children under 14 years of age receive free entry when accompanied by parents
- Under 18 years? - then hand in the completed »MUTTIZETTEL« to us
- There is no glass on the campsite because the green meadow is the home of the horses again after the festival, vehicle checks are carried out
- Weapons and illegal drugs have no place at the festival/campsite
- Give dogs and other pets this weekend in caring hands
- Waste avoidance is a top priority; if you don't dispose of it properly, we have to clean it up after you. We provide enough options for this!
- The instructions of our security staff must be followed
- Fascist ideas, music and culture are not possible!
- open fires are strictly prohibited due to the increased risk of fire
- Register sound, photo and film recordings with us!

Redirection, advance booking & replacement tape
There is a very important information about how to get there. Some people may have already noticed that the B98 federal road, which runs directly through Glaubitz, is being renovated in the area. That's why Glaubitz is closed to through traffic and there are extensive diversions. Please pay attention to the official signs and our additional information signs (BTF posters plus arrows etc.). If you are traveling from the south, i.e. via Riesa (A4, A14, B169), leave the federal road in the direction of Nünchritz and follow the signs through Nünchritz via Roda onto the B98. Access to the festival site and the campsite is ONLY possible from this side! At the Colmnitz/Roda intersection you reach the B98. Access is possible here for all festival participants, including people coming from the direction of Großenhain.
On Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 we will end advance sales at all known advance booking points and via punk.de! We will close the presale via our homepage on Monday. So I quickly got my feet wet and secured a cheap ticket.
MONA RELOADED from Bernau step in at short notice for THE FREEZE, who had to cancel their European tour. We hope that we will be spared from further band cancellations. We are already hard at work setting up the site... more information will follow! Your BTF crew

And another lottery
Don't forget: The presale ends in just over two weeks on Monday, July 11th. by 18 clock. Anyone who buys a weekend ticket from our homepage now will take part in a competition and have the opportunity to win a record by Slime, The Turbo A.C.'s, KOTZREIZ, Telekoma, Booze & Glory or Johnny Wolga!
We would like to say a big thank you to:
PEOPLE LIKE YOU, CONCRETE JUNGLE and CONTRA RECORDS! You will be informed by us after paying for your ticket order and will receive the winning package at the checkout. So hold on and good luck! »LINK TO HAPPINESS