Hey, before we start next year, let's set off a fantastic rocket. Oh no, it's actually a mega fireworks display - without any particulate matter. We're just spinning our wheels here with joy. Join us in welcoming Pascow to Back To Future 2019!
Also, have a good new year, you louts, we'll see each other in July at the latest.

Okay, let's get started and present you as the first confirmed band for 2019: Alarm signal! We're really happy to be able to throw this German punk grenade between your legs, because it packs a lot of punch and will drag you along or kill you.

Actually, you use these days to look back and say a few contemplative words. These are difficult for us regarding the upcoming events. We dare to look ahead. And right at the beginning of the year, the focus across Germany and Europe is on Riesa. Yes, this small town just outside Glaubitz.
The federal party conference of a self-proclaimed “Alternative for Germany” will take place here from January 11th to 14th, 2019. We believe that a gathering of people who are against everything that the Back To Future/Glaubitz Open Air, its guests, its artists, its helpers, its supporters, its creators stand for, cannot go uncommented.
We are committed to a free and plural society in which everyone can live a self-determined and fearless life, regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation or origin. We are afraid that in the not too distant future other people will want to tell us again which books we are no longer allowed to read, which music we are no longer allowed to listen to, which life plans we are no longer allowed to follow. And we are even more afraid that this will affect people without participation, without a lobby, without the supposedly correct nationality or the supposedly correct gender, who are "different" in yesterday's worldview.
That's why we support AFD's planned activities? Goodbye! For this reason, things have been a little quieter than usual for us in the last few weeks. Thank you for your understanding and, more importantly, send a clear signal with us!
The demo starts on January 12th, 2019, followed by a concert in the big tent at the OJH Riesa. Come over! Take part! Help with!

2nd "KATZE-IM-SACK"-round
It is what it is, the first contingent of cat-in-a-poke tickets is sold out. But now we're slapping another 200 more on the table, this time for €54. If you don't want to stare into the tube now, grab it as quickly as possible. Because when they're gone, then they're gone and then there's just the regular final price.
!!! HURRY UP NOW !!!
Hey crazy bunch, what's wrong with you!? Great, you cracked the 300 pig-in-a-poke tickets yesterday. But because we love you as much as you love us, we are cheekily letting the campaign run until Friday at 6 p.m. After that it is irrevocably over and we go up a cost level. So: !!! NOW FIX!!!
We would like to point out to you again how crazy-crazy-mega-hammer this year was. Once again a big thank you to everyone involved: bands, visitors, crew, security - all in all a great bunch.

A promise is a promise: We are starting the presale. Again with 300 “Early Birds cat in a poke” tickets.
Get in there, the first tickets are already gone after the event.