Bath program
Guys, the forest bath is waiting for you! On Friday we start there with NO HONEY IN PARADISE and the MELMACS. On Saturdays you can come for breakfast and lunch before PIY gets started or you can choose to play volleyball or bowling for advanced players.
Well and due to high demand there is a cocktail stand for the first time this year. Yes, we finally understood that with a pool like that you need the right drinks.

We don't charge €5 extra for a car ticket at the campsite, €5 extra for a tent, €3 extra for the festival shuttle and at least €10 extra for a garbage bag as well as €1 extra for any information! The robbers are screwed, we have no desire for hidden costs in 2019 either. These costs are all included in our ticket prices. Off.
Of course, we'll still be happy to push garbage bags into your hands. After all, the prevailing conditions also bother us in terms of environmental friendliness and sustainability. That's why it's good to be different from the majority in this respect!

     Hey you Ösis from MISSSTAND, come to us and take a break from your political Punch and Judy show. Well, it's no different here either.
No matter, just come, it's your first time. Be honest, how often do you forget the third “s” when writing a band name? We actually never forget the third “s”! After ten years in the band, that would be a bit stupid, right?
And how often do organizers forget this? Actually quite often in the past. Especially on old concert flyers. Quite rare now. I recently read it with four "s" and was absolutely delighted!
Have any of you ever been a guest at BTF?
Unfortunately never. The problem, as with most German festivals, is that they are all super far away. If you always have to drive 10 hours to every festival, you'll think about whether you'd rather drive to a festival that's closer. In principle, we think Back To Future is very cool and we might already be regular guests if it weren't so far away! But let's just let ourselves be surprised! Otherwise you can find us every year at the Punk Rock Holiday in Slovenia. It's really nice there too!
Which band are you looking forward to seeing? Since we were confirmed for the festival, everyone has been telling us to visit the Waldbad.
I think this is the secret headliner of the festival. We'll definitely pack our swimming trunks!
We're already playing on Thursday, but we'll stay there until Saturday. I'm particularly looking forward to seeing Loikaemie again. Otherwise there are really a lot of great bands playing there. Among other things, our friends from Alarmsignal and Deserted Flag, but also other cool bands like MASKED INTRUDER, PASCOW, POISON IDEA or EGOTRONIC. I think the line up this year is really successful and I'm looking forward to three days full of swimming fun, cool bands and familiar as well as new faces!

Punkrock Wellness - Up The Punx!
Are you interested in the three days of the year that make up the year? Here is our trailer for 2019!>Share it like crazyso that one or the other can see what you are missing out on if you miss the Back To Future in Glaubitz.

Like every year, some of you can't make it to us the whole weekend. For everyone, the day ticket presale for Friday and Saturday begins today.
As always, on Thursday there is only box office.
Go in, here you will find the link, which of course also leads to the entire weekend:

       There were crew members who almost fainted when we confirmed The Briefs. It's understandable somehow. By the way, the image of the BTF check is exclusive from Zigpix's last London show. Yeah it's off.
What's it like being on the road with The Briefs again? Steve: That's fucking great. We're better than ever and it's great to go back to cities we love and meet up with old friends there. It feels like we have something to prove at every show and we do it. Pretty nice way to go on stage like that. A stable new album obviously helps.
Daniel: Right. It feels like the break never happened. Like Steve said, we're finally seeing people we haven't seen in ages, which is a really cool side effect of touring. So when we're on stage, it's the same as always: the audience goes wild and we go with it. After the show we all have fun together and then go to sleep. The next day it starts all over again. Everything is totally normal.
Have you heard about the Back To Future?
Steve: We've been doing this long enough to know the festival. The line up this year is killer and otherwise it's a classic punk rock event. Well, we also know that we've never been there before, but we're looking forward to it.
Daniel: I've always wanted to play there. Fantastic bands and the after-show parties are meant to turn your life upside down. We're excited!
Pascal: I played at Back to Future almost ten years ago, with a kind of district revival revue in the tent. It was a great party! You usually have the most likeable line-up of all the festivals and are also incredibly serious in terms of business. I remember handing over money from a moving car on the Wahrschauer Bridge in Berlin. It was like a mafia movie, just great!
Are you under pressure because everyone expects you to go crazy on stage?
Daniel: No, that doesn't bother us. We put on our best suits and stupidest sunglasses. Play all the hits, new and old, vary them and see how the crowd in front of the stage reacts to them. Let's go.
Steve: Oh no, we'll just do our best and put everything we've got into it.
Pascal: The pressure would be greater if people expected us not to go crazy!
Back then you released a new LP almost every year. Does that mean the next banger album is coming in 2020?
Steve: Uh...yeah, sure.
Daniel: Actually it is. We're already writing it, there are some new songs in the pipeline. Maybe we'll do a double LP like the Eagles.

     Oi! the boys from Freiburg are coming. That sounds like a lot of nonsense in the cheeks and elsewhere that the guys from THE LADS are saying. Here is their festival check:
What is Realpunk?
There is the idea that Oi! punk was also called new punk or real punk because it could be seen as a kind of antidote to a 'mainstream development' of the original punk. This also fits the assumption that a very large number of the early 80s generation of skinheads used to be punks because their punk-ness didn't offend and shock enough with regard to this development. Oi! differs only slightly from punk in terms of sound, if only because certain bands from a certain area in a certain period of time perhaps just happened to make a different sound. What I'm ultimately saying is that the difference doesn't really matter because punk is just punk, which to a certain extent you shouldn't or don't want to reinvent. This means that the term Realpunk is more of a description of the attitude towards the values of Oi!/Punk/Skinhead, and less a description of the sound - although it has to be said that we want to make the punk sound the way we define it as punk, i.e. it has to be “real”. So you can say that it's not necessary to describe it that way, but it's also cool because it's individual and a bit arrogant to label yourself that way (considering that in a scene like ours, people are always careful to be extremely "real") and it reflects an understanding of punk/skinhead - but in terms of sound, realpunk is just Oi!. Maybe I just wanted to give us some of the monotony of today's Punk/Oi! Defining music without reinventing the wheel, because I think we don't quite fit in, both in terms of sound and attitude.
You're really shaking up the south. Is one of your gang really a whale fish operator and what's going on now?
Jens was a partner for a short time. Now the whale is probably gone for good. We're in a bit of a crisis when it comes to the subculture here because there isn't really a place that does concerts and also a lot of people have moved away, had children, dropped out (traitors!) or joined the Scientologists. There are also a few punks - but they are such blatant punx that you don't know them! What's even worse is that there are now only 4 skinheads left in Freiburg. With such a pitiful group, it doesn't help much that 2 of them are pretty badass. Ergo: We have a shitty scene but cool bands – Habitual Drinkers, Brutal Bravo, The Lads and Drinking Squad.
Your label boss Hechti from Contra Records said we should lock you up again immediately after the performance before your party gets out of control. How do you understand that?
We don't know what he means by that. We only did what was expected of us at Contrabash, but mostly at our own expense - so they were mostly victimless crimes. Konne tried out the legendary board game "Hide and Seek", someone who wanted to remain anonymous pissed in the stairwell after falling out of the bunk bed because he couldn't find the toilet. I emptied a bottle of shampoo into our drummer's face. And Tomme (Brutal Bravo) gave our guitarist a black eye WHILE HE WAS SLEEPING. The less attention we get, the more schnapps we drink - the more schnapps we drink, the more nonsense we do. Imp is actually pretty good and sometimes pisses in the apartment. By the way, the complete report will be available in the new issue of the heroin fanzine. I can't tell you much about our drummer, the 'FETTFUCKER VON HUGSTETTEN', except that they call him the 'FETTFUCKER VON HUGSTETTEN' because he is the 'FETTFUCKER VON HUGSTETTEN'. Another problem is that all the bleeders constantly fall in love with our singer in the prime of their lust. While this is flattering, it can also be uncomfortable. We get it, the grass is green, the juices flow, the red blood cells carry oxygen and so on, but let me tell you, it is not just an object! By the way, Kostja and Konne are official members of the 'Fettfreunde Freiburg', which means we like to talk about diabetes, fatty food and sometimes swap one or two fat recipes. But we have decided that everything should be different at BTF! This time we want to present ourselves as particularly mature and also make sure that everyone gets along. In this regard, there will be an American-style 'safe space' at our campsite where 'fat shaming' is strictly prohibited.
Which of you has the highest Clorix consumption?
Konne once made himself a pair of domesthos pants. It's pretty much the coolest thing you can wear - with the skins you're cool and the normal citizens laugh at you when you walk around with them. The others don't dare do it or simply don't know what's cool. I sold Majus a pair of Domestos pants and he wears them sometimes, but he's also a huge idiot who runs around with a VoKuHiLa and therefore doesn't embody what's cool. It's amusing that you call it Clorix, while we call it Domestos. What's also pretty cool is sewing a crazy paisley pattern fabric cloth onto the collar of the donkey jacket. We're still not sure what we're going to wear. We don't want it to be too warm on stage, but on the other hand we also want to show all the punks what cool skins we are. It would be awesome if we created a Facebook survey about it and basically let the mob dictate what we wear.

Born a rocker, die a rocker!
   With Charlie Harper, a punk rock legend comes to our riding arena, who then counts a cool 75 years. You can't bow low enough to him and UK SUBS.
What do you know about Back To Future? It's near Berlin and we know all the clips. There seems to be a lot of water there.
What do you expect from Punk Rock Wellness? Sounds a bit weak. We dream of punk rock takeover, world domination.
Do you still go to the forest pool in Shortst? Nobody in the band has shorts. Shorts are strictly forbidden here.
So none of you will swim? None of us will swim, we are allergic to it. Well, maybe our drummer is drunk and falls into the water. I think you're forgetting that we're island monkeys. If we try to leave the island, we will die.