As it should be, the questions keep piling up
But you can also make it easier for yourself than writing us an email at the moment and waiting for an answer. We are in the middle of construction. And because we're not a stupid big and expensive monster festival, everyone lends a hand. Also those who answer the questions.
So have a look »HERE and then you should be open, »CONTACT of course we're still happy to do so.

Family campsite
Yes great, in the last two years many kids have obviously enjoyed a reasonable early musical education. This year we have the highest number of registrations for the family campsite.
We still have a few free spots. If you still want to stay there at the last second, you have to contact us here by Sunday at the latest. Under »INFOS you will find more about this, also check the document under Downloads.

 On the running order, you must have wondered who this magician is. In fact, this is none other than the guy who has been capturing our most magical moments with the film camera for many years and uses them to create the ingenious aftermovies and trailers.
In addition, Martin Weber magician is still active in the business of illusion. When he's not astonishing people privately, he's doing magic at festivals or with bands for a good cause. Best guy! Be sure to check this out. Parts of the crew have experienced this several times and are amazed every time.

Sometimes things go right...
   The Running Order was published yesterday with great joy and then the sad cancellation of DIE SKEPTIKER...
Nevertheless, with RASTA KNAST we have found a patent replacement that makes our ears ring. Crunchy, melodic German punk, yeah!
File under: Too bad, but great.

The inquiries are piling up - our photographer triumvirate also wants clarity. Perfectly right as we think. So here is the running order of who, when and where to see. Then have fun planning. It certainly won't be that easy to schedule feeding between the stages and the forest pool. At least, clever as we are, we placed various drinking troughs (called beer slugs in professional circles) between the two stages. It's amazing how smart we are, isn't it?

Where do you go with the 9 euro ticket from 21 to 24 July?
That's right, to Glaubitz to the Back To Future, that's clear! Getting there is not only damn cheap, but also quite environmentally friendly. Apart from that, how awesome does it look when Thursdays and Fridays masses of punks, skins and other subcultural people in Glaubitz tumble out of the train station and make the short punk rock pilgrimage to the campsite!? This will be fantastico!
The last festival editions always had a bit of a bottleneck when it came to merch. We now simply prevent these problems. Because, like you can pre-order the record with bands, it is now possible to order our merch in advance and not stress yourself. Simply choose the appropriate shirt or hoodie, order the size and then pick it up at the Plastic Bomb Fanzine stand on one of the three days.
Important, important, popichtig: You can order until July 14th.
Hier der Link zu den schicken Sachen: »VORBESTELLEN

From our point of view, the last two years have been hell and definitely worthy of a nightmare!
But now let's relax, because in three weeks there will be three days of grandiose punk rock wellness in Glaubitz!
And to make it the best, share and comment on the trailer and let everyone know that after a two-year break, our riding arena will once again be the place to be for all punx, skins and subcultural people in mid-July.

Our Umann was a guest at THE CHEESE-CAKE on Radio-Corax - and if you weren't there, you can listen to it here!!