We have never kept us waiting so long with a "thank you" statement...
...so today we are including you in our emotional world. We are still fully in the trance state of the experience! What a roller coaster ride it has been for us in the last almost 3 years and especially in the last 10 months ... And what a snotty festival the sweetest and best crew ever, bands and external participants delivered for you, the best audience! After three festival postponements, we managed a comeback that couldn't have been better under the current conditions! BTF family feeling and punk rock wellness, as if nothing had ever happened in between. What was scary, however, in the immediate run-up to the festival was the large number of ticket sales on the Internet, some of which were from regular guests for years.
About 10 months ago, for a variety of reasons, important and long-serving crew members gradually left the organizational team. Their area of activity in terms of preparatory work had to be replaced as quickly as possible. This step was not easy, but we succeeded in that others in the team were able to take more time to prepare our friendly family festival and on the other hand a lot of new people were added who were a huge help during the event as well as with set-up and dismantling were. Some parts of our regular crew have also surpassed themselves in many areas and have sometimes taken on 2 jobs at the same time on site. Insanity! The thanks for that cannot be put into words! ... And don't forget that the temperatures are usually above 35 degrees Celsius! Nevertheless, the human bloodletting was so great that the dismantling and cleaning work on site took more than a week for the first time and only now can the accounting for the festival begin. For this reason, the lost and found items were posted online or sent back to you later than usual. Other concerns could therefore only be answered later, sorry for that!
Not everything went as smoothly as we had imagined. Afterwards, the insufficient number of mobile toilets in the BTF-FB group was addressed and our "piss corner" was criticized... Short statement on this: We had ordered more mobile toilets than in 2019 and this with far fewer visitors* to be expected. In the meantime, the festival was about to be canceled because there were no mobile toilets available in the larger area or various providers had withdrawn their offer because they simply could not keep it and look after it. After the event-free period with the numerous concert and festival postponements, all the organizers suddenly got started at the same time, whether music festivals of all kinds, fairs, town and village festivals, etc., then the market is empty. Ultimately, we ordered even more Dixis than in 2019 at twice the price, without knowing what the audience would expect. The two toilet vans on the campsite and festival grounds were also available for a usage fee, and if there was an occasional drain accident, it was repaired promptly.
Unfortunately, during the night from Thursday to Friday, there were a number of thefts, all at the same time in the visitor campground, in the family camp and on the backstage campground. While people slept in their tents or cars, cash was primarily stolen from them. We assume external gangs that have meanwhile also selected smaller festivals for such criminal actions. For us, that means more protection in the coming year, but everything has to remain affordable. So today the advice for 2023 to secure valuables and primarily cash sufficiently.
Then we would already have arrived at the look into the future: The next Back To Future festival will, if Punk wants, from 20.07. until July 22, 2023. Put the date in your holiday calendar. We'll be in touch with the Early Bird ticket campaign and other topics in the coming weeks! Among them there will also be a visitor survey on the future organization of your favorite festival.
In gratitude, your BTF crew!

New Galleries online
The »GALLERIES from this year's festival are here on the website online.
You could also grab a cool drink and start the gallery as a slide show, simply open the first image and click on the play icon at the bottom right.

lost property office
The following lost property has not yet been sent to the owner
* In the red backpack as well as in the black backpack bag, there are a number of other items such as a change of clothes, a toiletry bag, etc.
* Furthermore, a bank card from the Sparda Bank was handed over.
If you think you've heard of this, please get in »CONTACT.

It continues with the Thursday pictures of Hummel, aka »SCHEINWELTEN PHOTOGRAPHY. You can find his pictures »HERE

There are no less beautiful pictures from »RUDEART MUSIC & SUBCULTURE PHOTOGRAPHY. With his view of Friday, we are also looking forward to Saturday!

Fancy the first wave of pictures from all days?
Then have a look at »PUNKROCK SECRETARY'S PICTURES - there are already all days online! - and enjoy again what happened last weekend!

Hey guys, here's the updated running order again
All in all, an impressive three days that we look forward to and look forward to from 6 p.m.! The mix is right and you really have to think about when you want to be where. Fortunately, our stages are not too far apart and there are always worthwhile stops in between. The running order is available on site as a small flyer or can be downloaded »UNDOWNLOADS download.
However, we still have a drop of bitterness to report: SCHLOTZE AUS BERLIN has canceled - which the clip magician and the social media flitzpiepe find particularly sad.

Before you set off
do us and you a favour: Please do another quick corona test! You don't want to be exhausted next week and neither do we. After you're negative, hopefully that won't be an issue anymore, since you're probably only in the big Back-To-Future family anyway!
So that you can get in the mood for the trip in full alarm style, here's the »Spotify-Playlist again - don't forget the random!

Forest Fire Danger Index
Listen, if you arrive on Wednesday evening and light a lighter, your hand will be chopped off. No, seriously! The lunatics who still deny climate change should continue to do so, they can no longer be helped anyway. We definitely see it differently!
The wildfire risk is almost certainly at its highest level from Thursday and will remain so throughout the festival. That means we appeal again to your common sense, which we have also been able to rely on in the past. So don't make open fires, don't grill and be careful with your fags. Everything is bone dry and bursts into flames in a matter of seconds. Great that we can count on you.

Construction impressions and presale end
Take a look at our day's work yesterday. In the blazing sun we work our backs and as soon as the sun goes down... Okay, what happens in Glaubitz stays in Glaubitz. And not only from Thursday, hehe.
Moreover, and very urgently, because it has to be said:
The presale ends on Tuesday, after that there are only tickets available at the box office.