We are receiving more and more emails from people who have ordered their tickets directly via our ticket form that they have not received a reply email with the transfer details. At the moment we can only say, please check your spam folder, they usually end up there. I have no idea who wouldn't want us to fill the field... No, we don't really have an explanation for this, even our admin has tested sufficiently successfully and is stumped.
Just a little advance notice for the pre-sale deadline for our beautiful hard tickets without additional advance booking fee (only €2.00 shipping per order) - it ends on Friday, July 14th, 2023. However, we will point this out again.
Here is the link to ticket sales for festival and day tickets again:

This week TOXIC REASONS (US) was canceled. So the second attempt, like in 2018, to guide these brilliant and honest pioneers of American hardcore punk to the BTF also fails. The reasons for this year are different, but they are obvious. A joint tour (with a few exceptions) together with D.O.A. was planned in order to save costs for backline, van etc. and to be more attractive as a package for organizers in Europe. But now D.O.A. singer Joey "Shithead" has a planned surgery date and they have to cancel their appointments in Europe. Since the presale for the band package in Europe was already below all expectations at club shows, the guys from TOXIC REASONS had no choice but to cancel their dates in Europe. Anything else would have been a financial fiasco for the band and the booking agency. An example of many in the current difficult time, but now we are also affected!
What does that tell us? If possible, don't just support the big shows and big festivals with a "SOLD OUT" guarantee and commercial mainstream character. NO, also supports the bands and organizers who breathed life into this music scene 30-40 years ago or passed on the traditions. TOXIC REASONS are representative of this.
If you don't know the character and importance of this band, you're welcome to »IM OX -READ FANZINE.
Finally, I would like to point out that we are in a comparatively good position in terms of pre-sales, but that we were already hoping for a little more with this year's line up. So if you plan to come "from further away" and don't have a ticket yet, you should bite in advance, not that we are overrun at the box office like in 2019 and can no longer give a ticket to people who have driven several hundred kilometers.
We'll be in touch with better news soon, I promise!

Yay, we're SOLD OUT! ... but first only our family camp.
What a success story! Our concept of early musical education to pass on our beloved punk rock to future generations seems to hit the nerve of punk rock parents. Finally among normal people!
Registrations have doubled from last year! We already had to reject the last few requests. You are welcome to continue to come to the BTF with your kids, but then on the regular campsite.
Since the interest is so great, we have already thought about a children's fun program for Friday and Saturday from 4:00 p.m. to around 7:00 p.m. - before that you are all in the forest pool. Details will follow, just stay curious. Tomorrow I'll also write something about the Toxic Reasons tour cancellation.

If we're already around the corner with this year's BTF merch, it can't be too long.
As in previous years, Plastic Bomb Records will sell our festival merch on site. A first selection is online and can already be ordered, perhaps the range will be expanded a little.
Do you sometimes have special requests for BTF merch for the future, then »CONTACT US or »VISIT THE SHOP.

let the cat out of the bag!
In the last few days and weeks, the inquiries have increased as to when which band will play and when day tickets will finally be available. We have the answer today and are letting the cat out of the bag!
As usual, day tickets are only available as online tickets at PUNK.DE/HULK RÄCKORZ and for the first time at < b>TIXFORGIGS. We have limited the number, buyers of festival tickets have priority for now.
Just something nice: We don't even know what's going on this year ... hey folks, we now have ticket orders from 12 different nations worldwide! We are flabbergasted about this, it doesn't get any more international than that! Enjoy the beautiful weather and get in the BTF mood.

Every year the same hiccup. Where to go on vacation?
To the water, to the mountains? Relaxation and feet up or action and work out - do what you want. The only thing that should be clear is: three days of punk rock wellness a year, which are firmly booked. Without ifs and buts, the long weekend in the riding arena and in the forest pool are punk rock holidays!
But now film off to the international trailer world premiere, for which we awarded ourselves the golden forest pool slide.

         The Dresden trio Concrete Lipstick was founded during the pandemic lockdown and released their first album in 2022 - the fucking period had to be good for something. Musically, the band will offer us the best 80s Amipunk, just the right fare in the morning with the first beer in the Glaubitzer Waldbad.

       Sooo, everyone pay attention! Today and tomorrow we will announce one band each for the forest pool and next week the bands will be divided up on the day with the simultaneous advance sale start of the day tickets.
There is already a documentary about the bandjacket like trousers and a contribution on RBB24. So we thought, this is exactly the band we need to make the BTF a bit better known. Requested, confirmed - the opening slot on Friday in the forest pool is perfect!
Would you like a musical description? ... loud, brutal, rousing. The songs are short, the lyrics reduced, the energy overflowing. The recipe: combine language, rhythm and sound in equal parts and enjoy it in ultra-compressed form.

Summer, sun, pre-sale
The weather is slowly becoming summery and the festival mood is gradually increasing here too. In the last few days we were also present at the first open airs on Helgoland, in Thuringia and near Leipzig (Deutzen) with BTF advertising. At this point many thanks again to our friends from Rock Am Kuhteich and Rock am Berg Merkers e.V. with Aggressive Punk Productions for the possibility of advertising. In this context, we would also like to give you an interim status in terms of pre-sales. About a month ago, half of the ticket contingent was already sold! This is a similar trend to 2019 when we sold out at the box office. But what really pleases us - the BTF is going to be damn international! Hey, we sold Tix as far away as Australia and South America for the first time! Otherwise, other tickets to the UK, Denmark, Holland, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Poland, Bavaria, Saarland, France etc. have also been issued so far. Whoa!!! The popularity of our family camp has increased again compared to the last few years, amazing!
We keep receiving inquiries regarding the sale of day tickets - as in previous years, these will go on sale online 4-6 weeks in advance. However, the advance sale of festival tickets has priority for our festival visitors. Don't take too much time with your order and give us more security with your ticket purchase. In addition to the amazing line up, we also have additional/new things planned for this year, more on that later.

BTF with family camp again in 2023!
First of all, we had to put off all the numerous interested parties with their inquiries from the last few weeks and months for our small, idyllic family camp until a later decision date. The background was that we are working on a minor redesign of the festival site and for this reason we could not yet agree to the numerous requests.
Since we are now assuming that the family camp can be integrated into the redesign without hesitation, we say: YES, there will be a family campsite again this year! ...after all, the next generation must be further encouraged and, so to speak, experience early musical education, starting with their mother's milk. The previous years have shown that it was a great thing, parents and their kids are in good hands with us.
The tent and RV sites for the camp will be in a separate albeit limited area which requires prior registration. Regarding registration, the process and other open questions, read on
»THIS INFO through .