Look at it: It's so quiet there, the Punkrock-Center-Parc Glaubitz. Only a gentle breeze blows over it and is waiting to be taken over by a wellness-addicted punk horde from tomorrow! So that you can really relax, we have made provisions: In addition to a baker who serves you coffee, cakes and other treats, we mix delicious cocktails again and the beer butze is back at the start. Because how else is BIERYOGA supposed to work!? Even. Not at all! The beach volleyball court or you can try your hand at the traditional bowling alley.
The accompanying musical program is on Fridays: JACKE LIKE HOSE, OLD BONES IN TROUBLE< /b> and CAVA.
Oh, and for the very impatient among you, another tip: You can shoot the weekend forest pool ribbon for € 6 at the ticket office. Then you can just slip in and don't have to wait in line. The forest pool is open daily from 10 a.m.

But even if it cools down a bit, we will still have to expect forest fire level 4 to 5 and strong winds. That means by official order - but of course mainly to protect you, us and the surrounding nature (picture 2 from today: a field fire in the next village, which in the meantime has reached a garden area):
• Open fires, barbecues, gas stoves, etc. are prohibited
• At the entrance you can get pocket ashtrays (limited).
/• Butts will not be thrown around under any circumstances - especially not glowing ones
• Do not leave any glass lying around (e.g. glasses)
In case of a thunderstorm please note:
• The festival will be temporarily stopped and all facilities will be closed. Please be sure to follow instructions and wait for further information via announcements and social media. Also inform others of any new info.
• Secure your tents and loose items
• Search for shelter in a vehicle in the event of a storm and help other guests in need
• Avoid being near trees, poles, structures, tents, etc.
• If you are traveling while a storm is approaching, please stay informed via social media
For more details and additional information, please click »HERE
We are confident that it will be THE BEST BACK-TO-FUTURE WEATHER EVER and can't wait for it!

What do we do on perhaps the hottest day of the year? We build tent and stage!
At around six o'clock in the morning we started setting up the tent - and you know what, a bigger and higher tent allows for a better sound system this year! Treat yourself! At the same time, the stage is already being built. It's finally supposed to rain tonight - we're looking forward to cooling down and starting a little later tomorrow!

We've been on the field since 6:00 a.m., no lie! With the temperatures forecast, we decided not to call out yesterday's "Hello" lap as usual. But now to the second part of our survey analysis – thank you again for taking part!
4. Band Selection: We know this topic is one of the most controversial! As we also emphasize on our website, we want everyone to feel comfortable at our festival without feeling exposed to insults, abuse or other forms of discrimination. The survey has shown that the vast majority of voices no longer want to see bands with discriminatory/sexist lyrics on the BTF stage and instead want more FLINTA* participation and local bands. We think that we will live up to this claim with this year's line-up and are pleased that we were also able to expand the diverse spectrum of our line-up in terms of inclusion.
5. Awareness: We are working on a visible, easily accessible concept that includes a present team and a retreat space. On the info flyer that you get at the cash desk, you will find not only the line up but also important organizational information and contact details for the awareness team. But there is also a special post from us.
6. Miscellaneous: We are planning a small redesign of the infield area - let us surprise you! But look forward to more space, more seating, shade and another vegan food stand. We also provide containers with process water (no drinking water) at the campsite and are busy working on other minor improvements. We announce updates via our social media channels and under "Info" on our website.
We can hardly wait - and you?

As promised, here comes the evaluation of the guest survey (part 1): What would you like to have changed and what can we implement from it this year?
1. Sanitary facilities:
There will be significantly more portable toilets this year - urinals and dixis. Furthermore, we have doubled the provision of flush toilets on the campsite and on the festival site. For the first time we offer the use of shower facilities next to the forest pool. You will find two shower trolleys on the campsite, which are open 24 hours a day and are supervised.
2. Accessibility:
There will be two barrier-free mobile toilets this year, one on the campsite and, as before, on the festival site. We ensure that only people with wheelchairs have access to these. The barrier-free forest pool also offers a shower and toilet. You can find more information about accessibility under "Info" on our website.
3. Sustainability:
Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find a reusable cup concept that is technically and/or financially feasible for us. That's why there will be disposable cups again this year. Our priority was to keep the drink prices stable despite another price explosion. The large beer from the Feldschlösschen brand brewery will continue to cost €3.50. ... but we are working on it and hope to find a solution soon. As a first step towards sustainability, more disposal options will be available and we are already busy collecting tin cans for your cigarette butts. Furthermore, there will be a limited number of free T-ashtrays to take away at the checkout.

In just one week it will be that time again and the tranquil little town of Glaubitz will be for some
Days to the ultimate punk rock wellness oasis! To make the best time of year even more beautiful
design, we asked for your opinion in a survey last year. 429 people have on
took part in the survey - thank you for that, especially for the many compliments and your constructive comments
First of all, the good news: Over 90% of those surveyed said they liked the festival as a whole, the
Staff and entertainment with marks 1 and 2 (on a scale from 1 to 5)
rated, which we are still as happy about as Bolle!
But there was also legitimate criticism, especially about sanitary facilities, barriers and
Awareness, but also for band selection. We take your feedback very seriously and strive to do so to implement as much of it as possible - without losing the aspect of punk rock and affordability from the losing eyes. If your points of criticism have not yet been implemented this year, So please forgive us, here the implementation unfortunately (still) exceeds our financial or technical possibilities. But we want to continue to improve in the years to come
and we will see how the innovations work and arrive this year. You can find out the evaluation and our implementation in our next post – are tense!

Our pretty festival wristbands arrived a few days ago. What do you think? But that also means that our pre-sale is entering the home straight. We seem to have struck a chord with this year's line up. In the last few weeks we have hardly been able to keep up with processing the orders. If it takes a little longer to reply to an email, don't worry, all orders will be processed in good time by our ticket fairy Amanda. Nevertheless, we have to stop advance sales from Friday, July 14th, 12:00 p.m. using our ticket form. The time it takes to transfer money and send tickets before the festival starts on Thursday is simply too short.
All other advance booking offices offer presale tickets for the festival as well as some day tickets until Tuesday, July 18, 24:00. Then it's on to the box office. Here is an overview of where you can buy which ticket:

Here is the running order for three days of punk rock WELLNESS
For weeks we in the crew have been thinking about a running order so that we can watch bands ourselves during our festival jobs. But neither lots, dice or rock-paper-scissors brought a solution. Therefore: Next year we need people to take over our jobs! It's unbelievable that each and every one of us will see a handful of bands at most and unfortunately most of them won't. This is club work!
But we're happy for you that we were able to put together an amazing line up again this year and that you'll see tons of bands that you can really rock your way to.
»HERE'S the running order for three days of punk rock full alarm, uh, wellness.

You must have already seen in yesterday's running order that there is still a slot available in the forest pool on Friday from 11:00 a.m. We deliberately planned it that way. Because from 11:00 a.m. it's BEER YOGA again on the Waldbad stage with the enchanting beer yoga trainer SIMMI. At best, you pack a pad and line up at the beer stand from 10:30 a.m. so that you can start on time.
Important! Simmi recommends:
Make your weekend full of punk rock wellness perfect! Start the festival Friday relaxed and maybe a little dodgy with beer yoga! In the forest swimming pool, I will lead you through a merry yoga session, but all other drinks are also welcome. With beer yoga, you can have a lot of fun warming up for the pit while you balance your drink in the various yoga positions and hopefully pour it into your mouth. A perfect combination of punk rock fitness and booze! So grab your beer, sparkling wine, soda or water and come by!

We are receiving more and more emails from people who have ordered their tickets directly via our ticket form that they have not received a reply email with the transfer details. At the moment we can only say, please check your spam folder, they usually end up there. I have no idea who wouldn't want us to fill the field... No, we don't really have an explanation for this, even our admin has tested sufficiently successfully and is stumped.
Just a little advance notice for the pre-sale deadline for our beautiful hard tickets without additional advance booking fee (only €2.00 shipping per order) - it ends on Friday, July 14th, 2023. However, we will point this out again.
Here is the link to ticket sales for festival and day tickets again: