Call it psychobilly, call it rockabilly, rock`n`roll or punk or a mix of them, whatever - it doesn't matter. What matters are the melodies for The Creepshow to have a feel for. It's great that after a long time it fits between the Canadians and us again. Oh ... and if everything goes as the band imagines, then they'll even come out with album no. 6 to Glaubitz.

The Kölsche Jungs Mülheim Asozial are an almost perfect blueprint for one of the best action German punk bands of the eighties, but there is definitely more to it than that. There is a lot of DIY in the band's DNA, the support of various left-wing projects or an undoubted attitude towards right-wing shit. This gives the foursome everything you need as a punk band: heart and brain. First we strap a bottle of beer to our neck.

   Lord James will celebrate the record release party of their new studio album as part of this year's Back To Future. Front man André let us have a look at the cards. "Since we are making ourselves a little rarer in the coming months in order to put all our energy into the new record, we are already looking forward, like Bolle, to being able to present the new songs first in Glaubitz." So our anticipation is awakened. What about with you?

The OC-Trio is a relatively new band at FAT WRECK and belongs, so to speak, to the offspring of the well-known California label. It is clear that they are also interested in ensuring that the next generation does not fall by the wayside. In the case of THE LAST GANG, we are very happy to help set it up. Because the singing of singer Brenna (also guitar) is as crisp as the overall sound, in which she is supported tightly forward by Sean (bass) and Robby (drums). It's going to be a great thing that suits us perfectly.

 In countries where the population is oppressed by a shit like Erdogan, an active underground scene against these totalitarian conditions usually develops. You rarely find out from these people that openly repressive states are suppressing them. With Reptilians From Andromeda, a Turkish band is on our stage this year, whose members have shaped the punk scene in their country! We are looking forward to them because on the one hand they play a snappy garage punk sound, on the other hand to support Turkish subculture and to give them the feeling that they are not alone.

It is with great pleasure that we notice that quite a few of you notice how much commitment and passion we and a whole lot of amazing people organize this festival every year. The workload increases year after year and the smaller concerts that we were very happy to organize in the past suffer as a result. So it's time to join forces. A concert according to our ideas (and with a little effort from us) will take place in the youth center in three weeks. In addition to the local heroes from StrgZ and FCKR , who would be worth a visit on their own, SCHROTTGRENZE also stop in Rosswein. Years ago we had her visiting. A lot has happened since then, the great songs have stayed and quite a few have been added. Alex became Saskia and everything fits. We promise you a musically very varied but extremely high-class evening. And it should go with the devil, if by then you can not find a few liters of this delicious rhubarb to celebrate this reunion.
   Yeah, have you ever stopped by PIY - Punkrock Karaoke to see what new songs they have created to get you back to your absolute top performance in the early morning punk rock? There are some really cool classics with: Breaking The Law, Never Say Die, Macht kaputt what breaks you, Satan (!!!), I Fought The Law and so on and immediately. Already clear what that means for you next weekend. Do not shoot completely on Fridays because the PIY Back To Future Bootcamp is now every Saturday morning and you always have to train under almost the same conditions. That means in bathing suits, optionally without again, standing in the middle of the room with an empty bottle and singing a song of your choice with a full throat. Anyone who is cursed with all sorts of curses by their dear neighbors during the song is already way ahead. But the winner is whoever the cops come in the closed door at a boar gallop. So get to the training camp!

in Dachau ist nichts mehr los
in Buchenwald ist nichts mehr los
in Besen ist nichts mehr los
in Auschwitz ist nichts mehr los
die Lager stehen leer
es gibt keine Folterknechte mehr
die Öfen warten still
bis einer wieder Menschen braten will
aus den Duschen fließt kein Gas
und befriedigt den Rassenhass
It's damn scary how up-to-date "Dachau", one of A + P's most famous songs, is still. They channeled their anger and created hits with critical almost lyrical lyrics. No wonder, the band was founded in 1979 in Starnberg, which is still a district with one of the highest average incomes in our country. A place where the blossoming Federal Republic showed all its ambivalence, an already institutional injustice. Workers and employees who commute to work because rent and living on site cannot be financed. The profiteers of this order, who hide their property and the origin of their wealth behind great walls. Looks familiar to you? There was of course also back then. The cosmos A + P was fed from these contradictions. Actually, the band didn't want to perform anymore, thanks to Ronja from the Plastic Bomb Fanzine, the four of them let themselves be motivated again and will bring their angry lyrics to Glaubitz.

   The fact that you can also play authentic Irish folk punk in North America is nothing new. After all, countless descendants of those who did not want to starve to death in their homeland in the mid-19th century live there. These include THE MAHONES from Toronto, Canada, which are known around the world. This is sure to be a wet and happy visit with loads of singalongs.